Skip to contentThe third edition of JIP2I will take place in Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire) from December 16 to 18, 2024, at the CRRAE-UMOA located in Plateau.
Habitant porta viverra voluptatum facilisi. Dolor mi sit! Recusandae, nisl, habitasse justo architecto viverra volupt.
Habitant porta viverra voluptatum facilisi. Dolor mi sit! Recusandae, nisl, habitasse justo architecto viverra volupt.
Habitant porta viverra voluptatum facilisi. Dolor mi sit! Recusandae, nisl, habitasse justo architecto viverra volupt.
After the first two editions, which focused on the importance of trademarks and the fight against counterfeiting and piracy, the third edition of the JIP2I focuses on the promotion of local products through the intellectual property system. The chosen theme is as follows:
“Geographical Indications, a tool for promoting local products, preserving biological and cultural diversity, and a powerful lever for local development.”
In an increasingly globalized and uniform world, the promotion of local products has become a necessity. It responds to the growing need of stakeholders to highlight their differences, promote their identity, or their actions. In this perspective, the development of distinctive signs to identify quality products, and more specifically geographical indications, which serve to identify products whose quality and reputation are closely linked to a territory, offers many opportunities, especially for countries like Côte d’Ivoire that have a strong agricultural and artisanal potential.
Geographical indications, by securing commercial outlets, increasing the income of local producers and processors, and enhancing local heritage through decentralized management of natural resources, are an important tool in the fight against rural poverty. In addition to preserving the cultural identity of local products, geographical indications promote the conservation and valorization of the biological and cultural diversity of production and manufacturing areas. They are a strategic instrument for promoting quality, authenticity, and local sustainable development.
By choosing geographical indications as the theme for the third edition of the JIP2I, the objective is, first, to create favorable conditions for the consolidation and promotion of the first three geographical indications of Côte d’Ivoire obtained in 2023, as well as those from ECOWAS countries and the OAPI area more broadly. Secondly, it aims to benefit from the exchange of experiences from countries with a long history of GIs, and finally, to gain the support of all stakeholders (government institutions, private sector, technical and financial partners, decentralized entities, etc.) in the promotion/protection of intellectual property rights for all high-potential products from our local terroirs.
The JIP2I were established to promote a platform for exchanges between local and international stakeholders, with the aim of fostering a genuine culture of intellectual property in Côte d'Ivoire and making it a key driver for the socio-economic development of the country.
These days were initially created under the name Journées de la Marque Ivoirienne Innovante (JM2I). The name change after the first two editions aims to mobilize all stakeholders in the intellectual property ecosystem around the event and respond to the feedback from the OIPI partners.
The third edition of the JIP2I will take place over three (3) days and will be divided into four (4) key moments:
Discussion panels and experience sharing during the first two days.
The first two days of the JIP2I will be dedicated to a forum for discussion, exchange, and experience sharing aimed at raising awareness among policymakers, industrialists, and traders in various local product sectors, as well as producers, artisans of high-potential products, and consumers. The panels and roundtable discussions that make up the forum will be led by high-level experts and stakeholders and will focus on seven (7) themes, which are presented in the agenda (see agenda).
A visit to a GI product production site on the third day.
To allow participants from other countries to discover the environment and witness the ongoing efforts to strengthen the new Ivorian GIs, a guided visit will be organized on the third day of the event in Dabou, at the headquarters of the “Attiéké des Lagunes” GI, and to a production site, possibly including a cassava field.
An exhibition of Ivorian, West African, and foreign products registered as Geographical Indications (GI), Appellations of Origin (AO), and Collective or Certification Marks (CM): a space will be set up at the ceremony venue to showcase the GIs, AOs, and CMs from all the countries participating in the JIP2I.
A gala dinner or a cocktail reception will be offered to the participants on the second day of the JIP2I. The dinner will provide an opportunity for guests to taste Ivorian and African products registered as Geographical Indications.
The success of a Geographical Indication (GI) depends on the synergy of actions between all stakeholders in the value chain of each registered product and the public and private institutions working on the development and promotion of these products. This is why several national and international institutions will be involved in organizing the 3rd edition of the JIP2I.
Two categories of participants are expected at this edition.
At the national level, the institutions and other expected participants are:
At the international level, several experts from various institutions, organizations, and associations, as well as producers/artisans, are expected, including: