BIOGRAPHY M. Antoine Ginestet Expert from the National Institute of Industrial Property of France (INPI) BIOGRAPHY Antoine GINESTET travaille à l’INPI (Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle) depuis 2010. Après 4 ans en tant que juriste marques, il est en charge depuis 2014 de la mise en place des indications géographiques artisanales et industrielles. En […]
Benjamin MOUTET
BIOGRAPHY M. Benjamin Moutet President of the IGP Linge Basque, France BIOGRAPHY Benjamin Moutet began his professional career abroad, then Paris, in the fields of consulting (legal, commercial and human resources) before taking over, in 2010, the family business then placed in receivership.The family business, “Tissage Moutet” has specialized since 1874, and 5 generations, in […]
BIOGRAPHY Mme Fatima AMEHRI President of the Moroccan Association for the Geographical Indication of Argane Oil (AMIGHA) BIOGRAPHY President of AMIGHA since 2014 to date: Moroccan Association of Geographical Indication of Argan Oil. In 2009 “Argane” was recognized as PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) in Morocco; it became one of the first African geographical indications […]
BIOGRAPHY Dr Ibrahim COULIBALY Technical advisor in charge of legal affairs at the CI EXPORT Agency BIOGRAPHY Mr. Ibrahim COULIBALY holds a Doctorate in private law obtained in 2011 at the University of Grenoble. After his Doctorate, he enrolled in 2013 at the Center Sud Lawyers Training School (EFACS) in Montpellier where he obtained the […]
Abdourahmane Fady DIALLO
BIOGRAPHY M. Abdourahmane Fady DIALLO Director of Trademarks and other Distinctive Signs at OAPI BIOGRAPHY Mr. DIALLO is a Polytechnician Engineer, holding a design engineering diploma in Abdourahmane Fady DIALLO electromechanics, a DESS in Project Management, among other diplomas, and several certifications in intellectual property including the Animator Certificate in intellectual property (CAPI) offered by […]
Delphine Marie-Vivien
BIOGRAPHY Dr Delphine Marie-Vivien CIRAD expert BIOGRAPHY Delphine Marie-Vivien is a law researcher at CIRAD (Centre for International Cooperation in Agricultural Research for Development), Deputy Director of the Joint Research Innovation Unit. Graduated in chemistry (Master) and in intellectual property law (CEIPI), holder of a thesis in law on the law of geographical indications in […]
Charlemagne NINDJIN
BIOGRAPHY M. Charlemagne NINDJIN Teacher-Researcher, Lecturer in Biochemistry and Food Technology BIOGRAPHY • Dr Charlemagne NINDJIN is a Teacher-Researcher, Lecturer in Biochemistry and Food Technology, at Nangui Abrogoua University. He is also an Associate Researcher at the Swiss Center for Scientific Research in Côte d’Ivoire (CSRS); • He is currently the Director of Valorization and […]
Florent Faya LENO
BIOGRAPHY M. Florent Faya LENO Host of the IG café Ziama Macenta BIOGRAPHY From 2009 to 2012: higher studies at the faculty of administrative and management sciences at the University of Labé (Guinea Conakry) Current position: Facilitator of the IG café Ziama Macenta Different tasks accomplished within the Group: • Raise awareness among producers about […]
Pape Tahirou KANOUTE
BIOGRAPHY M. Pape Tahirou KANOUTE Executive Director of the NGO Economy, Territories and Development Services (ETDS) BIOGRAPHY Executive director of the NGO Economy Territories and Development Services (ETDS) which he founded in 2012, Pape Tahirou KANOUTE is an agricultural engineer specializing in Organization and Quality in the agricultural and agri-food sectors. He is also a […]
Joseph Kokou ADOKANOU
BIOGRAPHY M. Joseph Kokou ADOKANOU President of the Association for the Promotion and Protection of the Geographical Indication of Rice BIOGRAPHY Primary school teacher then abandoned in favor of the agricultural profession from 1999 to the present day President of the Association for the Promotion and Protection of the Geographical Indication of Kovié Rice (APIG […]